Erotic Massage ISBN:0874779626
The New Mum's Guide to Sex: Rediscover Passion After Childbirth ISBN:1905745133
10 Second Sexual Attraction ISBN:N\A
Sex God Method ISBN:0789441847
PDF | 81,4 mb
Erotic Massage
With more than 100 erotic drawings and a full-color insert, "Erotic Massage" provides easy-to-learn strokes and methods that allow an individual and a partner to bring together the sensual, the erotic, and the intimate.
The New Mum's Guide to Sex: Rediscover Passion After Childbirth
New moms learn to balance the roles of mother and lover and keep their sexual flame alive in this honest but warm guide to sex after childbirth. A variety of medical, emotional, and practical facts lead new moms through the veils of vulnerability, poor body image, and internalized frustration to rediscover their sexual identity. Each chapter is full of case studies from both moms and dads, as well as girl tips, lover tips, and play suggestions that couples can try together. Month-by-month information on how to cope with the emotional and physical issues that follow childbirth is also included.
10 Second Sexual Attraction
Long and far have I searched for the answers to women and relationships. Tomes were written and miles of videotape recorded. Dozens of the greatest “pickup artists” have been analyzed. Millions of words of original work were put to paper. Thousands of hours of were spent in field. Thousands of people tested and retested my ideas. In the process, I created one of the most comprehensive bodies of work on the subject of meeting women, dating, and relationships. But ultimately, it turned out that I went to deep, too far, and too wide. My works so far have focused on vastly detailed theoretical and practical guides thatare meant to turn you into an absolute master. There were very many technical terms used. My works deliver, and many dedicated practitioners have attained mastery, making thousands of women very happy. Still, the feedback I always get for people startingout is: “ Give me a simple system that I can use anytime anyplace that makes her want me sexually, makes her really attracted. So I can just get her number and date her.”
Sex God Method
“There Are Four Things That You NEED To Know To Give Women Wild, Screaming Orgasms. Do You Know What They Are?”
When I first got Daniel Rose's 'The Sex God Method', I wasn't so sure how much an e-book can help me with sex and with my game overall. However, this e-book puts the whole topic in a whole new light. First, the book introduces you to Daniel's model of being a 'Sex God', which includes Dominance, Emotion, Variety, and Immersion. This model (DEVI) and the insight with each part of the DEVI model makes you think about sex in a whole new way.
Like Robert Greene's The Art of Seduction, the e-book is divided into two main parts: one about the person to become in bed and the other about specific techniques.
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