The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass CD 1-10
Eason | ISBN: N/a | 2005 | MP3 | 487 Mb
As you read the words on this page, you will discover that following on from the work of the best-selling book, "The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Harnessing the Power of your Unconscious Mind", I now bring you the ultimate, information packed, audio programme for learning and mastering self-hypnosis. You’re intelligent enough to know that you may not have fully tapped into your true unconscious abilities because very few people ever realise their full capacity. Today, you can learn how to use much more than you may have imagined possible, read on to find out how....
Adam Eason is a prodigious talent in the world of hypnosis and personal development. One of the most qualified in his field, highly academically recognised as international best selling author, motivational speaker, therapist, consultant and trainer in the fields of hypnosis, body language, communication and personal development.
Adam has worked with thousands of individuals, has featured in international, national and local media and appeared on television on numerous occasions including his regular position on BBC1’s prime time TV series "Run For Glory." Adam brings a refreshingly ready wit and contagious enthusiasm that permeates all of his work and spreads to all who experience it.
- Volume 1: We start right at the beginning and you discover just what Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis actually are. You learn to differentiate between natural and intended hypnosis and discover that hypnosis and trance states occur in so many aspects of your life already. You develop some further understanding of the differences of the conscious and unconscious mind. There is also an explanation of all the terminology used throughout the programme serving as a beginning glossary.
- Volume 2: In this volume we learn the true art of getting settled and prepared for self-hypnosis. You learn how to quieten your mind and silence your internal dialogue. You learn how to induce a hypnotic state with your breathing and how to engage fully in a moment. Then you progress onto creating the correct internal environment for the best receptivity of mind.
- Volume 3: Now you learn the full structure of a self-hypnosis session. You are run through the self-hypnosis model and get a strange illustration to make sure you remember it forever! Then you get an introduction to the language of self-hypnosis and how to optimise your results with its orrect use. You receive some comprehensive guidelines to creating programmes for change in hypnosis and learn how to really supercharge your hypnosis with the correct use of hypnotic words.
- Volume 4: In this volume, you learn the art of mind mapping to advance your use of self-hypnosis. You learn the power of looping your suggestions in self-hypnosis and then the marvellous phenomenon that is quantum looping. Several techniques on how to deliver your programmes for change to your unconscious mind are demonstrated and you also learn about the simple use of affirmations in self-hypnosis.
- Volume 5: Now we get on to hypnotic technique. We go through many wide and varied methods of getting into hypnosis. You are given a range of inductions (all of which are also included in the accompaying script book that comes with this audio programme). As well as the many example induction methods, you also learn the exciting benefits of instant hypnosis so that you can use hypnosis in an instant anywhere under any circumstances!
- Volume 6: In this volume you start to learn some advanced methodologies and applications of self-hypnosis. This includes a unique safe, controlled deep relaxation technique and methods for the ultimate relief of stress.
- Volume 7: Moving on to specific applications of your self-hypnosis, you learn how to use it for overcoming and reducing pain in a variety of circumstances. Here, you also learn the amazing and enchanting application of self-hypnosis that is time distortion. Yes indeed, you learn how you can alter your perception of time so that you can seemingly speed up time if things are boring, or slow things down if you want to enjoy more of the good stuff in life!
- Volume 8: The fascinating use of metaphor and metaphoric imagery is what you learn next. It has a wide variety of applications to apply to almost every and any aspect of your life and adds a truly new dimension to your self-hypnosis. You also learn how to use your self-hypnosis for achieving that natural high - yes indeed, you get to have some fun with self-hypnosis too!
- Volume 9: This volume focuses on specific habitual changes that can be made using self-hypnosis including stopping smoking, reducing your weight and creating wealth. Although these are the main focus, the techniques utilised within this volume can be adapted and applied to many other areas of habitual or behavioural change.
- Volume 10: This volume focuses on using self-hypnosis to enhance confidence as well as learning how to use the full power of your unconscious mind for healing yourself in many different ways on many levels.